Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolution?

What a poor blogger I am. Last posting in August???? Now, I have an excuse: you see, at the end of August I broke my leg -- badly. Looking back on it all, I realize it was more of a trauma to me than I was aware of at the time it happened. It is only just now that I am able to do things "normally" (and I still limp. . . not to mention get very tired, very easily!) But I had SUCH great material during this time--- if I could have made myself blog about my time in the "Golden Living" Rehab Center (i.e. Rest Home) I might have made the big time!

But that opportunity is gone. Now I must pick up the pieces and try to put my life back together again! I must say, this gets harder after every illness and accident the older I get!

One of my resolutions for 2010 is to be a better blogger (which for now means blogging more often -- I'll work on content later.)

So, in no special order, here are my other, right-off-the-top-of-my-head resolutions for the new year:

-blog more often
-follow some "Twitterers" and try to figure out what THAT is all about
-do a good job with my clients
-paint more
-line up at least one new show for my paintings, or get a gallery to rep me
-do a better job with book-keeping
-be on time with taxes
-spend more time with friends
-make one special trip this year; if not to Italy, then somewhere that makes my heart pitter-pat like that.

Any I should add?

I do hope that this new year is a better one that the old! I need it. And I promise to work to make it so!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back on the "blogging trail", Del! I drop in now and then to see if you have posted, and I think your vow to blog more in the new year is a great resolution. Though your "Golden Living" days are a thing of the past, I'd think you would have plenty more to write about as you rehab your way back into your "former life". I'm sure it's still a tough, exhausting road for you ahead and blogging about it might help give you some perspective on how far you've come (and how far you've yet to go!) 2010 will be a great year for you!
